Design for the Internet

Here are the assignments!

Assignment 1--An "animated" self-portrait of D.Tate!
My self-portrait .gif animation


Think about your personality such as aggressive, creative, out-going or shy. Search some images on the Internet. You could take pictures or use scanned images. Composite objects and images matching your personality. Do not represent your face in your work. Manipulate images with the background.

Use Photoshop (or ImageReady) / Final format is gif (animation file).

Size: 500 pixel, 500 pixel, 72dpid

Assignment 3--An animation with an emphasis on creative implementation of text.

Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

Get Adobe Flash player


Choose a pair of opposite words amongst the words below and express the feeling of the word by animating each letter. Make a Flash animation using key frame animation tools or (motion /shape) tweening animation tools. Consider controlling the key frame time and action in the animation and how it matches with meaning of the word. Try to use diverse fonts, colors and shapes. Find the best font to represent the meanings or you can create new font for your animation. You could resize and reshape it as long as the letter is recognizable. You could add other shapes limitedly with letters and you could repeat the letters, but your letter should be main shape in your project. You have to use at least all letters in the words. Do not use action script. You could use sound file for background music.

Final Project--I remade a website called "Christian Answers.Net" (
The only real requirement was that you had to make at least 5 pages. Knowing that, I procrastinated until the last minute and then whipped out 5 web pages. It wasn't too impressive in my opinion, and the professor knew I could do better when she saw it. So, with her permission, I redesigned it..which means that I redesigned a redesign! Woohoo! And that's why you see two versions below. They look their best in Firefox. And also, some of the images used are referencing pictures that were at one time on the server. So if they change their picture names or remove them, some of the pictures will not load, but you'll still get the gist of my redesign.
Original/Old redesign: View , Download.
Redesigned redesign (of the redesigned design that was originally the...bwa ha! jk lol ttyl brb ttyl): View , Download.

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